Understanding groundwater droughts using detrended historical meteorological data and long-term groundwater modelling
Pezij M, Jungermann U.N.
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Salt intrusion and effective longitudinal dispersion in man-made canals, a simplified model approach
Vuik V, Lambregts P.M. et al.
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Flood risk of highways in The Netherlands, measures, cost-benefit assessment and policy making
Kolen B. et al.
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Longshore sediment transport by large-scale lake circulations at low-energie non-tidal beaches afield and model study
Vuik V, et al
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Can streamwise variation in floodplain geometry and peak flow rate explain river bed elevation change during and between peak flows?
Denderen R.P. van, et al.
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Basic study on estimating evacuation rate at flood events
Tomura S, Maaskant B, Chiba M, Masuya S, Yamada T. J.
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Consolidation and desiccation of mud deposits: numerical modelling
E. Meshkati, G. Dupuits, P.J. Vardon, T. van Kessel, A. Talmon, J. Tigchelaar, L. Sittoni, W.R.L. van der Star
Modelling River Dunes Under High and Low Flows
Lieke Lokin, Jord Warmink, Anouk Bomers
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A pragmatic, performance-based approach to levee safety assessments
Kok M., Rikkert S.J.H., Lendering K, Jongejan R.
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SARS-CoV-2 Risk Quantification Model and Validation Based on Large-Scale Dutch Test Events
Kolen, B.; Znidarsic, L.; Voss, A.; Donders, S.; Kamphorst, I.; Rijn, M. van; Bonthuis, D.; Clocquet M.; Schram, M.; Scharloo, R.; Boersma, T.; Stobernack, T.; Gelder, P. van
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