

Title Year Author (s)
Navigating Climate Chage – Risk Assessment for Extreme Precipitation 2024 L. de Vries en D. Honingh View publication
Het eerste Werkatelier 2024 G. Pleijter, J. Caspers, et al. View publication
Overstromingskans langs Oosterschelde bepaald 2024 G. Pleijter, N. van der Vegt, et al. View publication
Goede balans tussen optimalisatie en robuustheid gevonden_Bij dijkversterking Pannerdense Waard – Westervoort 2024 G. Pleijter et al. View publication
AI-toolbox waterkeringen 2024 J.G. Stenfert et al View publication
Salt intrusion and effective longitudinal dispersion in man-made canals, a simplified model approach 2024 Vuik V, Lambregts P.M. et al. View publication
Analyzing natural bed-level dynamics to mitigate the morphological impact of river interventions 2024 Denderen R.P. van, Paarlberg A.J. et al. View publication
Estimating the effect of assumed initial damage to the hydraulic stability of pattern-placed revetments on dikes using finite element modeling 2024 Vegt N. van der, et al. View publication
Overstromingsrisicomodel voor ruimtelijke investeringsvraagstukken 2023 Kolen B., Nicolai R.P. View publication
Waterbouwers nieuwe stijl – Nature-based waterbouw 2023 Wegman C. View publication