The effect of interactions between failure mechanisms on the reliability of flood defenses
Pol J.C., Kindermann P.E., Kok M., et al.
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Strength Recovery in a Large-Scale Backward Erosion Piping Experiment
Pol J, et al
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Consolidation and desiccation of mud deposits: numerical modelling
E. Meshkati, G. Dupuits, P.J. Vardon, T. van Kessel, A. Talmon, J. Tigchelaar, L. Sittoni, W.R.L. van der Star
A pragmatic, performance-based approach to levee safety assessments
Kok M., Rikkert S.J.H., Lendering K, Jongejan R.
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SARS-CoV-2 Risk Quantification Model and Validation Based on Large-Scale Dutch Test Events
Kolen, B.; Znidarsic, L.; Voss, A.; Donders, S.; Kamphorst, I.; Rijn, M. van; Bonthuis, D.; Clocquet M.; Schram, M.; Scharloo, R.; Boersma, T.; Stobernack, T.; Gelder, P. van
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Assessment of the functional performance of lowland river systems subjected to climate change and large-scale morphological trends
Hiemstra K. S., Vuren S. van, Vinke F. S. R., Jorissen R. E. & Kok M.
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The impact and costs of building with nature projects
Oerlemans C., Wegman C., Jonkman B., Aarninkhof S.
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Update (1.2) to ANDURIL and ANDURYL: Performance improvements and a graphical user interface
Rongen G., ‘t Hart C.M.P., Leontaris G., Morales-Nápoles O.
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Inspectie en monitoring 2.0
Stenfert J.G.
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Gebruik van neurale netwerken voor verbeterd begrip van extreme neerslag
Driebergen J.
Jungermann N.
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