

Titel Jaargang Auteur(s)
Salt intrusion and effective longitudinal dispersion in man-made canals, a simplified model approach 2024 Vuik V, Lambregts P.M. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Can streamwise variation in floodplain geometry and peak flow rate explain river bed elevation change during and between peak flows? 2023 Denderen R.P. van, et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Consolidation and desiccation of mud deposits: numerical modelling 2022 E. Meshkati, G. Dupuits, P.J. Vardon, T. van Kessel, A. Talmon, J. Tigchelaar, L. Sittoni, W.R.L. van der Star
Modelling River Dunes Under High and Low Flows 2022 Lieke Lokin, Jord Warmink, Anouk Bomers Bekijk Publicatie
A pragmatic, performance-based approach to levee safety assessments 2022 Stephan Johannes Hendrikus Rikkert, Matthijs Kok, Kasper Lendering, Ruben Jongejan
A pragmatic, performance-based approach to levee safety assessments 2022 Kok M., Rikkert S.J.H., Lendering K, Jongejan R. Bekijk Publicatie
Day Ahead Market price scenario generation using a Combined Quantile Regression Deep Neural Network and a Non-parametric Bayesian Network 2022 Heijden T.J.T. van der, Palensky P., Giesen N. van de, Abraham E. Bekijk Publicatie
Riverine Plastic Pollution in Asia: Results from a Bibliometric Assessment 2022 Huthoff F.; Leal Filho, W.; Dedeoglu, C.; Dinis, M.A.P.; Salvia, A.L.; Barbir, J.; Voronova, V.; Abubakar, I.R.; Iital, A.; Pachel, K.; Sharifi, A.; Yang, P.J.; Klavins, M.; Emanche, V.O. Bekijk Publicatie
Assessment of the functional performance of lowland river systems subjected to climate change and large-scale morphological trends 2022 Hiemstra K. S., Vuren S. van, Vinke F. S. R., Jorissen R. E. & Kok M. Bekijk Publicatie
Real-time monitoring of the rivers Boven-Rijn and Waal to support dredging operations 2022 Paarlberg A., Jungermann N., Graaf M. de, Denderen P. van Bekijk Publicatie