HKV operates on a three-part mission that aims to create a safe and sustainable environment for everyone related to our business; employees, clients, partners, suppliers and society.
Product mission
Becoming the sustainable knowledge entrepreneur in flood risk and water management. To offer high quality, sustainable and innovative solutions in flood risk and water management through advise, research and product development.
Economical mission
To direct our company for sustainable financial growth. To operate on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth our company ensures increasing value for stakeholders and professional development opportunities for employees.
Social mission
To take care of our society and environment when operating our business and implementing our projects. To create a safe and healthy environment within our projects where growth and development take place in a sustainable way.
Quality, social, enterprising and transparency are our core values. These are values that ensure that we as colleagues get along well with each other and make each other better, that ensure that we serve our clients and partners well and that ensure that we are respected as independent advisers.
These core values ensure that we can fulfill our mission to be a knowledge entrepreneur for water and safety in a sustainable way. Our core values are freely based on the UN Global Compact.