Development of a damage and loss methodology and Database

During the first cycle of the implementation of the EU Floods Directive, the Romanian authorities used a qualitative approach for the development of flood risk maps. For the second round of implementation (due in 2022) a more quantitative approach is required where risks are monetized. With a monetized risk assessment it will be possible to assess the impact of flood protection measures in cost benefit analysis and substantiate investment decision in flood risk management The project included an update of the damage, loss and risk assessment methodology to prepare for the second cycle of the EU Floods Directive.

The first step in the project was to define a set of typologies for which flood damage curves need to be developed. More than 80 typologies were selected that describe the Romanian setting. Based on information on economy, construction cost standard prices and other readily available data Maximum Damage Values and damage curves were tailored for the Romanian setting for each individual typology. The method was designed in such a way that it is compliant with various types of open sources exposure data products (i.e. Corine Land Cover or Urban Atlas) as well as a detailed object based exposure data set which is specifically prepared for the second cycle of the EU flood directive.

In addition to the direct tangible damage, procedures were developed to assess the intangible direct damage (loss of life and injury), direct intangible damage (loss of production, business interruption and traffic interruption) and indirect tangible damage (mental trauma). The damage and loss methodology for all types of damage and losses is designed and specified for fluvial, pluvial, flash and coastal flooding. With this information damage maps for all four types of flooding can be prepared.

A methodology was further developed to develop risk maps, that display the Annual Expected Damage for flooding. Additional computation aspects of risk modelling (i.e. raster size, computational time, accuracy, etc.) was investigated to find a balance between the required resources and the level of accuracy. For three pilot areas (covering the different flood mechanisms) the methodology was implemented and tested. In addition a two day on line training (due to COVID-19 regulations) was organised to allow experts of the Romanian water authorities to learn about the approach.

The project was done with in cooperation with DHI Romania, Aquaproiect, Ecorys and Essensys.

Pictures received from ABA Banat during the project Timis Flood Risk Protection and Prevention.