In the study ‘The impact and costs of Building with Nature projects’ HKV together with the TU Delft researched several Building with Nature projects in the Netherlands. Building with Nature projects deliver added value but often also involve additional costs compared to traditional reinforcements.
This exploratory study provides an initial inventory of the impact and costs of existing Building with Nature projects in the Netherlands, including the Hondsbossche Dunes (pictured here) and the Marker Wadden project (shown on the front cover). The Hondsbossche Dunes project is a prime example of how a Building with Nature project can be used for dynamic coastal management. Instead of replenishing smaller quantities of sand periodically, a huge volume is deposited in one go meaning the sand deposits in this area are sufficient to keep pace with a rising sea level and subsidence. The study also includes an analysis of the decision-making process in choosing this type of project as well as identifying success factors.