Exposure modelling & My Flood risk

GIZ in collaboration with Allianz commissioned HKV to assess the risk of public assets for 3 MMDA’s in Accra. GIZ/Allianz intents to develop an insurance product to reduce the flood risk on top of structural measures in place or planned. Together with GIZ/Allianz and the MMDA’s we organized a survey to list and describe the public assets in at each MMDA. Next HKV will assess the hazard, potential damage and risk per asset. The results are used to:

  • Support Allianz in the underwriting process of the insurances policies.
  • Support the GIZ and the MMDA with the implementation of structural and non-structural measures to might reduce the risk. The ECA-approach (Economics of Climate Adaptation) are applied in this process.
  • Develop the  ‘My Flood Risk App’ as a capacity building app to (1) educate citizens of flood risk and climate change, (2) inform citizens their risk to flooding [based on their location] and (3) warn citizens in case of potential flooding using a early warning system.