The effects of climate change are becoming more and more tangible over time. We have to deal with more frequent heatwaves, drought, cloudbursts and rising sea levels. Dutch cities will also have to prepare themselves for a changing climate. But how?
During the last four years the City Deal Climate Adaptation has worked hard to answer this question. The City Deal network shares their knowledge and insights gained in the documentary The Climate Resilient City Explained.
The Climate Resilient City Explained
As exchanging experiences does not stop at the border, this Dutch documentary can be screened in both Dutch and English. In 25 minutes, the City Deal introduces the stakeholders who play a role in making a city climate resilient and what they do to achieve it. Spoiler alert: you need everybody to join in. The central government, counties, municipalities, water boards, land developers, housing associations, companies, the financial sector, the construction sector, knowledge institutes and nature conservation. But also citizens like you and me.
To cover all these perspectives the documentary offers a stage to a total of 17 speakers. From the mayor of Rotterdam to a driven inhabitant of Zwolle city and from a university lecturer to the minister of Infrastructure and Public Works. Based upon different projects, each speaker explains his or her own role and vision on climate adaptation. HKV contributed to the upscaling theme ‘Vital and vulnerable functions and networks’. Together with our City Deal partners, we have developed the ‘Water risk diagrams’ method. We also discuss user experiences with several (governmental) companies. The method offers an assessment framework for objects in the event of the consequences of both extreme rainfall and dyke breaches. The approach has been found to be suitable for use in practice.
The premiere is during CAS 2021
The Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) will take place on January 25 and 26. CAS 2021 will launch a broad Adaptation Action Agenda with climate solutions and plans spanning up to 2030. World leaders participate. The goal: to make our world more resilient to the effects of climate change. During the summit participants will have access to virtual Side Events, an environment in which you can see contributions by global partners and communities at any given moment. To conclude the City Deal Climate Adaptation, the documentary will premiere here. We understand that not everyone can attend the CAS and therefore we are happy to share the documentary like this.