Plastic pollution in Dutch rivers

How much plastic pollution is present in the Dutch rivers? Where is it going? Where does it come from? And finally: what can we do about it?

To answer these questions, it is essential to reliably and strategically monitor plastic pollution such that, in combination with an understanding of water movements, a more complete picture is achieved of the magnitude and dynamics of plastic pollution in rivers. In collaboration with Tauw BV, Wageningen University and Deltares, HKV has conducted research over the past year into the possibilities of using modern technologies in a national monitoring programme. The report (only in Dutch available) is now public, see link.

The most important recommendations of this study were discussed recently in a meeting of Rijkswaterstaat on developing a the national monitoring strategy for plastic pollution in rivers.

This project is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EFMZV).


Plastic pollution in Dutch rivers