GCA capacity building for climate services

GCA (Global Center of Adaptation) asked the consortium of Tahmo, IRI, Deltares and HKV to provide training for climate risk preparedness on severe weather risks in Kenya, Madagascar and Cote d’Ivoire.

In each of the participating countries bi-lingual (English-French) workshops were held to focus on the development of

  • Modular tools and data integration
  • Early warning systems
  • Risk insurance mechanisms.

HKV developed a GITHUB repository with open-source tools for climate analysis. The notebooks can be downloaded and used on individual systems, but also within the GITHUB Codespace. Within the Codespace no installation of Python or additional packages is needed.

To overcome the limitations of available data an integration with Google Earth Engine was setup to being able of conducting climate analysis based on freely available (satellite) data available in the Google Earth Engine platform.