The GARID project (Greater Accra Resilience and Integrated Development), under Ghana’s Ministry of Works and Housing, has commissioned HKV to design and supervise the development of a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) for Greater Accra. FEWS-Accra aims to mitigate the impact of recurring floods as part of broader risk reduction efforts.
The project has two phases: first, designing the system, supporting the tendering process, and developing a Concept of Operations (CONOPS). The second phase involves supervising implementation, training, and capacity building.
In phase one, HKV and its partners conducted a gap analysis of flood disaster management, designed a system for timely flood forecasts, and developed operational procedures. They also assessed capacity needs to ensure sustainable operation.
Now in phase two, HKV is supervising implementation by a consortium including Deltares, RHDHV, and local firms. With over a decade of experience in Ghana, HKV’s local knowledge is key to ensure FEWS-Accra’s success, working closely with GARID experts and institutions.
Photo in the header: Coastal erosion in the Dansoman area
Photo in the text: Validation of the full 2D flood model