Flood Early Warning System for Greater Accra, Ghana

The GARID project (Greater Accra Resilience and Integrated Development), under Ghana’s Ministry of Works and Housing, has commissioned HKV to design and supervise the development of a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) for Greater Accra. FEWS-Accra aims to mitigate the impact of recurring floods as part of broader risk reduction efforts.

The project has two phases: first, designing the system, supporting the tendering process, and developing a Concept of Operations (CONOPS). The second phase involves supervising implementation, training, and capacity building.

In phase one, HKV and its partners conducted a gap analysis of flood disaster management, designed a system for timely flood forecasts, and developed operational procedures. They also assessed capacity needs to ensure sustainable operation.

Now in phase two, HKV is supervising implementation by a consortium including Deltares, RHDHV, and local firms. With over a decade of experience in Ghana, HKV’s local knowledge is key to ensure FEWS-Accra’s success, working closely with GARID experts and institutions.

Photo in the header: Coastal erosion in the Dansoman area
Photo in the text: Validation of the full 2D flood model