Presentation results of Building with Nature

During the International Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) in the end of January, Building with Nature presented the following two results:

  1. Our book ‘Building with Nature – creating, implementing and upscaling Nature-based solutions’.  The book is presented and promoted through the fim below:

    The book is available through various bookstores but also from the publisher:
    Sonja Ouwerkerk co-wrote the book from HKV.
  2. Two white papers. To make it easier to include Nature Based Solutions in the decision-making process in the future:
    o Paving the way for scaling up investment in nature-based solutions along coasts and rivers – How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions.
    o Building with Nature: a future proof strategy for coping with a changing and uncertain world – working with uncertainties.
    Jakolien Leenders and Dorien Honingh contributed to these white papers from HKV.
Presentation results of Building with Nature